About GirlsMPowered

The GirlsMPowered was designed to provide guidance, support, and mentorship to young girls in 6th to 10th grade, as they navigate their journey from adolescence to young adulthood.  This transformative empowerment program provides girls with the necessary skills and resources for building self-esteem to overcome challenges, set and achieve goals, and become future leaders in their communities and beyond.

Program Objectives:

  1. Personal Development: Foster personal growth and build self-confidence through mentorship relationships that honor individual uniqueness.

  2. Career Exploration: Introduce participants to a spectrum of career paths, ensuring inclusivity and representation across many professional fields. Young individuals can't be what they don’t see.

  3. Health and Wellness & Physical Activity: Emphasize the importance of physical activity and mental well-being, recognizing the unique challenges faced by participants to access spaces and opportunities to engage in physical activities and sports. 

  4. Leadership Skills: Cultivate leadership qualities while embracing diverse perspectives and experiences that each participant brings to the program.

  5. Self-Esteem and Confidence Building: Empower participants through fostering a positive self-image by affirming the unique identities within each group, promoting a culture of inclusivity and mutual respect.  

  6. Community Engagement: Instill a sense of responsibility and community involvement through service projects and design, helping to develop an appreciation for the diverse needs of the communities they live in. 

  7. Workforce Development: Promote an environment of lifelong learning, encouraging participants to embrace ongoing skill development and professional growth through exposure to the production of the annual Carrera 5K.

  8. Financial Education: Introduce participants to the complexities of financial literacy and personal finance. Foster a sense of empowerment and community among the girls.

Program Components:

  1. Weekly Workshops: Engaging workshops focused on soft skills and topics such as  team building, conflict resolution, communication, problem solving and leadership skills.

  2. Guest Speaker Series: Professional women from a variety of careers share background  on their paths, challenges they have overcome, goals and answer questions directly from participants

  3. Field Trips: Cultural Enrichment: Participants are exposed to cultural events such as the Classical Ballet, fostering an appreciation for the arts and diverse cultural expressions.

  4. Corporate Exposure: Gain valuable exposure through visits to Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, providing a firsthand look into corporate environments and career possibilities. 

  5. Higher Education Visits: Visits to area universities and colleges, including  Dominican University, Chicago State University and Valparaiso University

  6. Carrera 5K: Have participants walk or run the annual 5K.